Tuesday, 13 September 2011

First lesson - introduction to media language and camera shots.

For my first lesson i was introduced to the basic media key words and amera shots for example, over the shoulder and virds eye view. Having learnt a few media terminologies the teacher gave us examples of each shot. After the teacher gave me differant pictures of differant shots where i had to write the type of shot that was used. In order for me to remember these basic key words i drew each angle on a sticky note and wrote the shot underneath. For example, there was a picture of shoes that was a close up shot therefore, i drew the shoes very large on the sticky note. This would help me remember what the shot is called.

I found this activity very interesting as I learnt some key words however, if i had to do this task again i would do it on the computer because the pictures are most accurate which helps me understand the shot better than my drawing.

The picture below represents the notes i have of my first lesson, as you can see i leant what establishing shot means. Establishing shot identfy's the location.

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