Thursday 6 October 2011

Analysis of the poster - "Casino Royal" and "Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull"

For this particular activity i had to make brief notes for my home learning on a poster called "Casino Royalty". In order for me to do this, I firstly constructed the poster and focused on lighting and the way the actor was standing. The main character's face is facing towards the left side where there is allot of light on his face, this indicates that something is happening on the left side to the audience as his facial expression are very serious. Moreover, anaylsing the poster in my perspective helped me to see the purpose of the way it is presented. For example, the way the character stands is very straight this signifies that he is very powerful. Having done that for my home learning, in school we had to present our notes in front of a camera in pairs. I found analysing "Casino Royal" rather difficult because i did not construct the poster properly and i missed out details such as the colour that was used.

Therefore, in order to improve my vocabulary and develop my understanding of posters I decided to analyse another poster and construct it according to the mise en scene. This would enable me to identify the significant and importance of each feature. The poster I analysed was called "Indiana Jones - kingdom of the crystal skull". The mise en scene is made up of a range of factors such as lighting, facial expressions, prompts, and colours. In my video i talk about a range of stuff part of the mise en scene for example i talk about the colours. The colors that are used are mainly red, orange, yellow, for the skull and brown for the cave. This hints out to the audience that genre of the movie is very adventurous as the primary colours gives a fire effect.

In conclusion, I found that having done this task helped me understand a lot about posters for example, the purpose of why posters use particular colours. I learnt that the main characters body position and prompts that are used can hint out the genre of the movie for example, in "Indiana Jones" the character has a rope in his hand and is standing up, this hints to the audience that the poster is adventurous and due to the character standing up, it implies he is the main character, and is very powerful as he is looking directly down at the camera to the audience. On the other hand, I believe that although i constructed the poster, i missed out on a lot of information for example, in my video "casino Royal" I talk about the background but i do not mention why they have used it in that specific way. Also, i did not compare the posters amongst one another, therefore, if i had another opportunity to do this task again i would take two posters of the same genre and construct it using the mise en scene and see what similaraties they have, differences and why. I believe this will enable me to gain a deeper understanding of the importance in a poster.

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